Green Initiatives & Composting
We are trying to have our congregational life reflect the seventh Principle of Unitarian Universalism, "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part."
To this end, we have taken the following actions toward establishing Green Initiatives.
- We are using Energy Cooperative, a 100% renewable energy generation program, for our electricity.
- We recycle almost all mixed paper, aluminum, tin, plastic and glass containers.
- We save all non-meat, non-dairy food waste for our compost pile in the back of our property.
- We wash and re-use plastic eating utensils.
- We distribute all newsletters, reports and other documents via the Internet, when practical.
- We have replaced two of the old furnaces with new energy-efficient models.
- We have installed low-volume toilets in our restrooms.
- We have added energy-saving storm windows to all the windows in our education wing.
- We use local small businesses and trades people for building improvements and repairs, when possible.
- We practice heat conservation by heating only the spaces being used during the time they are used.
- We have replaced incandescent lighting with compact fluorescent and LED bulbs where possible.
- We use and sell fair-trade coffee to increase our congregation?s awareness and practice regarding organic and sustainable food.
- Vegetarian options are available at our dinners and receptions.

Composting —
Orange + Blue = A Greener Restoration
You may notice an orange bucket in Fellowship Hall. It’s there to collect food scraps that would otherwise go into the landfill. By collecting them and putting them into the composter out back by our trash bins, we accomplish a number of positive things for our environment and ourselves.We reduce the amount of waste hauled by big trucks to the landfill. We reduce the amount of material that needs to be dumped. We reduce the amount of methane – a greenhouse gas 72% more powerful than carbon dioxide -- that would be produced by the anaerobic decomposition of these plant-based wastes in the landfill. In the process, we can produce compost that can we can use in our gardens to improve the structure, density and texture of soil, and improving nutrient retention. That means healthier plants.
What goes into the orange bucket?
- Vegetable trimmings
- Fruit rinds, peelings
- Tea bags, coffee grounds, filters
- Non greasy paper napkins
- Dead houseplants
- Old flowers
- Leaves
- Meat, grease or bones
- Dairy products
- Plastic, metal or glass
What goes into the blue buckets?
- Metal: Tin, aluminum & steel cans, empty aerosol cans, empty paint cans
- Glass: Jars and bottles (food and beverage containers)
- Plastic: #1 through #7 plastics, such as #1- Soda, water bottles; #2- Milk jugs, detergents, shampoo bottles; #3- Rigid plastic containers and juice bottles; #4- Plastic tubs and lids from butter, margarine etc.; #5- Yogurt containers and deli trays; #6- Plastic cups, plates, and clear to-go containers and #7- Many mixed plastic containers and plastic products
- Mixed Paper: Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, mail (junk and personal), flyers, phone books, food boxes (remove plastic liner), computer paper, wrapping paper (no foil or plastic wrap), clean beverage cartons AND Church Orders of Service, cardboard, paperboard, etc.
You can help by thinking when you go to throw something out. Should it go in the blue recycling bin, the orange compost bin, or in the landfill-destined trash? Then dispose of it wisely.
Recyclables should be empty and rinsed if necessary. Hardback books and textiles are recycled to other places or call Ron S.