Who are We?   We are a religiously diverse, LGBTQ+ embracing, intentionally multiracial and multicultural Unitarian Universalist faith community.
In our congregation, we journey together in Love toward restoring spiritual wholeness. We were founded as a Universalist church in central Philadelphia in 1820 and relocated to the Mount Airy neighborhood in 1938. Join us for Sunday Services weekly in our air-conditioned sanctuary at 11am, followed by our coffee hour. Sunday school and child care are available. Summer services offer a potluck coffee hour.

We welcome people from any religious background who seek personal and spiritual growth in an extended family

atmosphere. Our denomination has no creed or doctrinal tests. All who are in sympathy with our beliefs and are willing to join us in supporting the goals of this church and the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association are welcomed into membership.

Our building is now accessible to people with disabilities!
It features a ramp to the main sanctuary and a wheelchair lift to the Social Hall beneath. Two accessible restrooms have been created: one on the main level of the Hale Building and another on the lower level of the sanctuary to make our Fellowship Hall more accessible to our congregants, visitors and renters.
Check here for photos.


From our Minister

This week, I've been meditating on Linda Hirschhorn's sacred words from "Circle 'Round for Freedom."

"Circle 'round for freedom, circle 'round for peace, for all of us imprisoned, circle for release, circle for the planet, circle for each soul, for the children of our children, keep the circle whole."

As we look to lift up the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this weekend, and we await the future of this American story that is more in need of the example of his life, faith, and voice than ever… it feels an awful lot like we're headed towards a storm of anxiety, fear, and policy violence, if not outright physical violence.

I'd love to tell you that I'm not worried, that I'm not afraid. I'd love to tell you that every little thing is gonna be alright. I'd love to tell you that we'll make it through the storm... but that's not something I can know to be true.
to continue reading...

Page Updated Friday, January 17

Live Streaming

Sunday Services and other special events are Live Streamed so that those who are unable to attend in person are welcome to watch.

We are a Social Justice
Loving Congregation!

Join Us at Our Weekly Black Lives Matter Vigil every Thursday

Please join us to show our concerns about racism and white supremacy every Thursday from 6-6:30pm.
to read more about Social Justice...

We are a Welcoming Congregation

For more than 25 years we have worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are full members of our faith communities.
to continue reading...

Upcoming Worship Services & General Events

Sunday, January 19: "MLK Day: Tell 'Em about the Dream"
Join us for a musical and uplifting service with calls to action and reminders of our interdependent stories in honor of the legacy of Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. This service will be a chance to learn, to be inspired, to be challenged, to commit to action, and to build Beloved Community.

Sunday, January 27: "Fractured Fairytales" Worship associates Jill and Steve will take a look at current events through the lens of folk tales... to continue reading...

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