Upcoming Worship Services & General Events
Sunday, February 9 —
Valentine and Wagner: Thoughts on Forgiveness and Forbearance
To kick off Black History Month, we will look at the writings of Ta-Nehisi Coates who some say is our modern day James Baldwin. Worship Associates Tim S and Rita F will examine Coates’ writings and what they might say about our world today and how to survive in calamitous times.
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Justice Council
Monthly Meeting
Sunday, February 9, 2025
at 1:00pm in Hale Lounge
The Justice Council will meet on Sunday, February 9 at 1:00pm in Hale Lounge and via Zoom. We will review the results of our Justice Retreat, looking at the mission statement and congregational justice priorities.
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Live Streaming
Sunday Services and other special events are Live Streamed so that those who are unable to attend in person are welcome to watch.
We are a Social Justice Loving Congregation!
Join Us at Our Weekly Black Lives Matter Vigil every Thursday
Please join us to show our concerns about racism and white supremacy every Thursday from 6-6:30pm.
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We are a Welcoming Congregation
For more than 25 years we have worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are full members of our faith communities.
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Religious Exploration
RE Corner
During February we will be exploring the concept of Inclusion.
Last year we had the opportunity to understand equality/equity. Inclusion is taking that concept a step further towards: "None of us are free until all of us are free".
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