From our Minister
UUs of Mt. Airy,
Our annual Ingathering and Water Communion service are this Sunday! Another congregational year starts afresh with wonderful music from our Choir, with ritual and words of reverence from our worship team, and with excitement for the "Invitation" of this new year!
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Upcoming Worship Services & General Events
Sunday, Sept. 8 —
"Annual Ingathering and Water Communion"
Welcome back! Our programming year kicks off with our annual Water Communion ceremony. Anyone is invited to bring water from a special place, such as your home or a river or lake. We will have water available to contribute to a communal bowl to start our church year off on a good foot! Come hear about Love and Invitation, our theme for the month of September, as we wade into the water of this year.
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Page Updated: Thursday, September 5
Live Streaming
Sunday Services and other special events are LIVE STREAMED so that those who cannot attend in person are able to watch.
We are a Social Justice Loving Congregation!
Join Us at Our Weekly Black Lives Matter Vigil every Thursday
Please join us to show our concerns about racism and white supremacy every Thursday from 6-6:30pm.
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We are a Welcoming Congregation
For 25 years we have worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are full members of our faith communities.
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Religious Exploration
RE Corner
Welcome to September at UUs of Mt. Airy! This month’s theme is Invitation. The WELCOME mat is always out at the entrance to our Religious Exploration classroom next to Fellowship Hall on the lower level.
This month we will explore invitation and welcome that is grounded in our Unitarian Universalist faith. Many of us know Hymn #188 in Singing the Living Tradition, “Come, come, Whoever You Are”.
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